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Grade 11 Music

The main theme for our work in Appreciation will be "Vocal Music"


We will approach these themes in a variety of ways:

Discussion, Viewing of Various Media, Research Projects and Oral Presentations.


We will begin with a research project.

(Planning a trip to see a Broadway musical.)


Your group is taking a trip to New York City, the Big Apple, home of the Great White Way, (also known as Broadway)! There are many things to see and do. As well as checking out the Rangers and the Knicks, you are going to see a Broadway show. To make sure that your trip is a success, you have to do a little advance planning.


This group project  has several parts - make sure to read all of the instructions!

In addition, we will be viewing several pieces of media during this unit.

Please download the Viewing Log to take notes and jot down your impressions.

Students must select and perform a piece of music on an instrument of their choice.

Instruments could include: Guitar, Bass, Drums, Voice or Keyboard Instrument.

All songs selections must be discussed with me and must demonstrate competence at your level.


While all students will be learning how to play an instrument - 

Everyone will be working at a different level! This is okay.

We will determine a base line and then you will be marked according to your progress from that point.


Here is a rubric which will be used in the marking of the Performance Competency:

Let's get started!

Here is the first video in my "Basic Guitar" series:

Chords and Progressions are the building blocks of all songs...reviewing them is essential!

All vocalists must see me with regard to selecting repertoire.

Songs may be from any genre - however, they must be school appropriate and at a Secondary V level.

Resources will be added as needed.

All musicians must produce one Personal Assessment and one Peer Assessment per term.

Please make sure that you can access Google Chrome & Chrome Music Lab.


All students will produce a short four-bar Pentatonic melody using Chrome Music Lab.


Follow this link for instructions:

Here's another Chrome Music Lab composition activity!

Follow my instructions...very simple!

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